Your staff will work better and easier than ever

Our goal is to make your staff focus on customer service instead of focusing on every step of the process, that's why Meal Folks is committed to facilitate and track your process avoiding mistakes.

Allowing your clients to immerse themselves in a higher quality experience giving greater confidence and more reliability in the ordering process.

A high-speed service with discretion; like asking service for waiter or asking for bill, all with one click, no app needed

Main Features


Save costs and time

You can manage your business easily with clear processes, data analysis and flow statistics, even decision-making becomes easy.


Update Products

All updates immediately, adding a new product, modifying information or hiding the finished ones is simple as a click.


Manage orders

It has never been so easy, from the client's device it is possible to request to receive notifications of the process, preparation, delivery or service of the product.


Know what your customer want

Learn about the top ten selling products, know what your customers love about your
team, service, experiences, products.


More than 30 languages

Be prepared for tourist or foreign customers to offer the appropriate language for an exciting, easy-to-understand, and quick-ordering experience.


Call the service or ask the Bill

The client is finished waiting for the service or waiting to receive the invoice, with a single click you will know what they want, and the priority of each request.


Share Social Media

Now you and your customers can share your menu on social media, increasing your new customers and desire for products.


Branding and identity

Keep your brand and style first, thanks to your business profile you can customize your digital menu with your logo and image.


Data analysis and statistics

Get your real data with a simple analysis to improve your decision making and make it easier and faster to manage your goals, your team and your business itself.


Rates and Reviews

We know the importance of reviews and fees to improve your performance and increase your profits, which is why you have a special system of private reviews and fees.


Show your extra services

Sometimes you have additional services or features that your customers do not know, with your business profile you will show all the excellent features that you have.


POS and CRM integration

If you already have a POS or CRM system, we are able to create the right integration to facilitate the management of your business in synergy with the Meal Folks platform.

Meal Folks help you to come over Coronavirus


To overcome COVID-19, Meal Folks is aware of the moment of difficulty and for this reason it offers you Digital Menus which avoid the passage from hand to hand of the traditional menus. Improve your work flow by making your customers spend less time in your place, by useless waiting. Having less contact with your staff without incurring in lack of service or inattention on the part of your staff.

Saving money with Meal Folks is easy, you just need to use the platform to save in so many ways!

    • Fast Services90%
    • Team Performance75%
    • Less Mistakes in Orders85%
    • Management Save Time90%

Service Range for Sale

Meal Folks cover a wide range of service on sale formats where customers
can order to increase your possibilities in sales and improve your business lines.


Make Happy Your Customer

Meal Folks works every day at the maximum
of capabilities to make you happy, your work be easy, your business grow up and your customers be in love of your business.